i created this series of paintings a few months ago. its a collage of photos that i have taken over the years and the many memories that i have captured.
here is a super chic mini photo shoot done at a friends pad. this evening dress is inspired by the long green shoots of bamboo. this dress is pleated through out and is fabulous.
this is the very first dress i ever ever made, with the help of my mom and aunt. this dress was made for a marie antoinette competition held by helmut hair salon, where i won first prize!!!
for the photo shoot i was able to get the help of my two besties. i used my beautiful and gorgeous best friend katy as my model and my other lovely bestie jen did the make up and hair.
location location location:
we drove around looking for the best location that edmonton had to offer. we fell onto this location and totally lucked out! we were able to find a construction area in a developing neighborhood. there just happened to be a large mess of junk that katy got right into.